This information — based on research findings from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) — is designed to help people ages 50 and older stay healthy. If you are younger than 50, some of the information also may apply to you. Whatever your age, talk with your doctor or nurse about staying healthy.
Daily Steps to Good Health
(1) Be tobacco free
(2) Be physically active
(3) Eat a healthy diet
(4) Maintain a healthy weight
(5) If you drink alcohol, drink only in moderation
Screening Tests and Preventive Medicine
Heart and Vascular Diseases:
Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Screening Tests: Once for men—Ages 65 to 75 who have smoked**.
Aspirin to Prevent Heart Attack: Men—Ages 50 to 80 at risk**.
Aspirin to Prevent Stroke: Women—Ages 55 to 80 at risk**.
Blood Pressure Screening Test: All men and women—Ages 50 and older, at least every 2 years.
Cholesterol Screening Test: All men and women—Ages 50 and older.
Diabetes Screening Test: Men and women—Ages 50 and older with high blood pressure.
Breast Cancer Screening (Mammogram): All women—Ages 50 and older, every 1 to 2 years.
Breast Cancer Preventive Medicines: Women—Ages 50 to 80 at risk**.
Cervical Cancer Screening (Pap Smear): All women—Ages 50 to 65, at least every 3 years.
Colorectal Cancer Screening Test: All men and women—Ages 50 and older.
Bone Disease
Osteoporosis Screening (Bone Density Scan): Women at riska—Ages 60 to 65, and all women—Ages 65 and older.
Sexual Health:
HIV and Sexually Transmitted Infection Screening Tests: Men and women at risk**—Ages 50 and older.
Mental Health:
Depression Screening: All men and women—Ages 50 and older.
Flu Vaccine: All men and women—Ages 50 and older, annually.
Other Vaccines: You can prevent some serious diseases, such as pneumonia, whooping cough, tetanus, and shingles, by being vaccinated. Talk with your doctor or nurse about which vaccines you need and when to get them.
**What does it mean to be “at risk?” Being at risk means that you may be more likely to develop a specific disease or condition. Whether you are at risk depends on your family history, things you do or don't do (such as exercising regularly or using tobacco), and other health conditions you might have (such as diabetes). If you think you might be at risk for a specific disease, talk with your doctor.