In a randomized study involving 32 healthy men and women, results indicate that consumption of a high-insoluble-fiber (HF) cereal at breakfast may reduce cumulative breakfast and lunch energy intakes. The subjects were randomized to consume 60 g of a HF (26 g insoluble fiber) cereal or a low-fiber cereal at breakfast, followed by an ad libitum lunch. Although lunchtime food intake did not differ between the groups, cumulative energy intake (cereal + lunch) was found to be lower in the HF group, compared with the low-fiber group. Additionally, pre-lunch and post-lunch plasma glucose was lower in the HF group.
Thus, the authors of this study conclude, “An HF breakfast cereal contributes to a cumulative reduction in breakfast and lunch energy intake, possibly due to its high satiety value per kilocalorie. A short-term benefit of the HF cereal, compared with LF cereal, was lower PG concentration before and immediately after lunch.”
Reference: “Reduced energy intake at breakfast is not compensated for at lunch if a high-insoluble-fiber cereal replaces a low-fiber cereal,” Hamedani A, Anderson GH, et al, Am J Clin Nutr. 2009; 89(5): 1343-9. (Address: Department of Nutritional Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto