Supplementation of Diets with Alpha Tocopherol Reduces Serum Concentrations of Gamma and Delta Tocopherol in Humans:
A recent randomized, placebo-controlled trial at Johns Hopkins University found that despite promising evidence from in vitro experiments and observational studies, supplementation of diets with alpha tocopherol has NOT reduced the risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer in most large-scale clinical trials.
One plausible explanation is that the potential health benefits of alpha tocopherol supplements are offset by deleterious changes in the bioavailability and/or bioactivity of other nutrients. The researchers at Johns Hopkins studied the effects of supplementing diets with alpha tocopheryl acetate (400 IU/d) on serum concentrations of Gamma and Delta tocopherol in a randomized, placebo-controlled trial in 184 adult nonsmokers. Outcomes were changes in serum concentrations of Gamma and Delta tocopherol from baseline to the end of the 2-month experimental period.
Compared with placebo, supplementation with Alpha tocopherol reduced serum Gamma tocopherol concentrations by a median change of 58% [95% CI = (51%, 66%), P < 0.0001], and reduced the number of individuals with detectable Delta tocopherol concentrations (P < 0.0001). Consistent with trial results were the results from baseline cross-sectional analyses, in which prior vitamin E supplement users had significantly lower serum Gamma tocopherol than nonusers. In view of the potential benefits of Gamma and Delta tocopherol, the efficacy of Alpha tocopherol supplementation may be reduced due to decreases in serum Gamma and Delta tocopherol levels. The authors of this study also said that additional research is clearly warranted.
EPIC4HEALTH NOTE: It looks to us that supplementation with the most common form of Vitamin E, (Alpha tocopherol supplementation), may in fact be be counterproductive. Unfortunately, most vitamin E supplements contain only one single form of vitamin E – i.e.: alpha-tocopherol. Research has progressed to a stage where Scientists have identified different forms of Vitamin E (other than alpha-tocopherol) such as gamma-tocopherol, delta-tocopherol and mixed tocotrienols.
In fact, in nature there are eight (8) different forms of Vitamin E. There are actually four (4) forms of tocopherols and four (4) forms of tocotrienols. Because of this new development in vitamin E research, we now have a new ALL NATURAL product called TOCOSPAN – the full spectrum Vitamin E with 8 different forms of Vitamin E. Four forms of tocopherols (gamma, delta, beta, and d-alpha tocopherol – including d-alpha tocopherol acid succinate) and four forms of tocotrienols, (d-alpha, d-beta, d-gamma and d-delta tocotrienol).
IMPORTANT: Studies have shown that gamma tocopherol is the predominant form of Vitamin E in the food chain, yet alpha tocopherol shows higher blood levels in humans. Furthermore the benefits of Vitamin E have been largely attributed and observed in Vitamin E rich diets as opposed to alpha tocopherol supplements. The inclusion of gamma tocopherol in Tocospan – along with the other minor tocopherols and the addition of Vitamin E's potent antioxidant cousins – the tocotrienols – makes Tocospan the Vitamin E of choice. Additionally Vitamin E Succinate has shown some very specific and highly protective therapeutic properties not exhibited by the other forms of Vitamin E.
TOCOSPAN is available in a both a 200 IU and 400 IU formulation in both 30 and 60 count bottles. For complete label copy, pricing or to order “click” the links below.
PUBLICATION INFORMATION: Nutr. 133:3175-3180, October 2003 Han-Yao Huang, and Lawrence J. Appel Department of Epidemiology, Bloomberg School of Public Health, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD and Department of Medicine, School of Medicine, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD 21205